
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Transformers War for Cybertron BumbleBee

Finally a review for BumbleBee is here. Bee is from the upcoming game, The War for Cybertron coming out this week. I believe it's the 22nd of June. I know I have my preorder set, I can't wait. I don't really know what else to say except the figure looks great. Click to read more.

So we have Bee here, for now he is in car mode:
Now here is Bee in robot mode. He looks pretty darn cool and very G1 styled, especially the head mold. 

As you can see, it looks pretty darn awesome. Here is more shots: 

Bee with his gun in hand.

Now besides his gun, Bee also comes with swords which is a first. It's not too shabby.

Well that's all for now. Overall great figure and fun to own. Transforming it is pretty complex, but in a way where it's fun. It was ranked a level 4 out of 5 for transformation. So what the hell do I have coming up next. Well it was something I wasn't planning on getting ever due to the crazy price tag it had. It went on sale recently for a very great price. It's not a transformer but an upgrade kit for my classics prime. It's called the DIA Commander kit. It lets Prime look like Magnus from the original G1 series.
Here's a quick snap shot:

Image copyrighted from bbts.


  1. Pretty neat, futuristic car. I don't know what happened, but your pictures of the swords focused on Drossel in the background instead.

  2. yeah i know, must of been due to my aperture settings. the auto focus is a funny beast sometimes.
