
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Figma Yomi Isayama

This came in on Friday and I finally got off my lazy self and took some pics.

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As you can see, it's your standard figma set along with the usual optional goodies.

It comes with two interchangeable heads, four hands (although two are permanently holding an object, the iron and cellphone), a pony tail, sword, base, and hands holder. Overall not too bad but I think I've been spoiled by the Drossel figma as she came with more goodies for almost a similar price. The amount of extras is the same amount of my other figma. Both are about the same height, but the joints are more noticeable on Yomi than the other figma. The reason is that she's wearing armor and you'd think it's a part of the overall armor. It's still a great figure to own as the joints aren't too annoying.


As you can see, the figma is quite poseable due to the ball joint system. I prefer this much more than the revolvotech ratchet style system. It feels more solid and natural vs the ratchet like joints.

A close up of one of her faces. I sorta like that aloof look in her eyes.

Don't expect a revolvotech be able to pull off this sorta pose. The Yomi figma is easily poseable and balances itself quite well.

As always you can always come up with a pose for any situation. In this one its like a yada yada conversation talk. While I might say a lot of hate towards revolvotech, it can produce some interesting poses, but only certain types due to the particular joint system. Like my robotech verafighter, it can only do certain poses such as holding the gun in a manner or strike a pose. This is due to one hand joint being able to do one thing only which limits the capability of a revolvotech. The other rev I have, Pico can bend, but the way it's constructed it feels flimsy. I dropped it once and the arm came off showing a hinge like joint. Not my cup of tea. I admit it can do some nice poses and it looks great, but the figma still feels much more solid. Now compared to a Busou Shinki is another story as that is all hinge joints which is quite nice. I'll do a comparison one of these days.

1 comment:

  1. Heh, your pics are blurry. I see she comes with my favorite accessory, a sword and sheath. I don't know much about this character, but it looks like she could hold her own against your second figma.
