
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

OOh looke here

Well today was the day they released AVATAR, the collectors edition. I know I already own the regular blu-ray edition, but this one came with so much extra content. I couldn't help myself. Originally this was made to be released along side the 3d tvs, but I think James Cameron decided to scrap the idea and just release this ultimate edition. I don't mind.
So what's in the bonus? Click

The extra content includes deleted scenes, commentary, extended scenes, alternate openings, and some other stuff I can't seem to remember.
You can see, it opens up like a book. I think that's cool.

Front of the case.

As you open there are sleeves and pictures. Each sleeve holds the blu ray inside.

This section had the commentary, deleted scenes, etc..

 I forgot what this was.
The last sleeve.

All in all, I think this was friggin awesome. Also at 24.99 on sale is not too bad of a price. Is it worth it? Well, I really love avatar and I wanted all the cool extra stuff that came with so I say yes. If you already own the movie and didn't like it much or don't care for the extra goodies then don't bother. If you're a huge fan and really want the extra content, go for it.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had the first blu-ray version, but that's pretty cool. It was a good movie but I'd have a tough time watching it again.
