
Sunday, September 5, 2010

The new and improved

Well, I just slapped on the upgrades for Bruticus (the two boxes from earlier) and it is friggin bad ass. Now remember how he looked before? No? Well here is the picture:
Now click here to see how it looks after:

Oooooh Yeahhh:
Now that is one hell of a difference. Here are more shots:
So what did the upgrade set do? Well in order to fully upgrade this fella, you had to buy two whole new transformers that became new replacement limbs. One foot and the other was an arm. The kit also came with a lot of accessories that you see crammed on to the figure. So you ask, which two limbs did it replace? Here:
As you can see no more funny digitals, new head, and these two limbs are now spares. Originally the figure just came with a pair of each with different repaints. In the upgrade only of each are used now.

Also there not just limbs but also fully transformable robots. I don't have any pics but you get the idea. You're basically buying two new figures to replace two other transformers.

Overall great upgrade, although the price was a bit steep. Although supposedly the deal we're getting now is the best as people are saying that this set will eventually go up in price. I am inclined to agree because an earlier upgrade kit for superion which was just arms and legs came out at 50 dollars. It retails now at 100 plus dollars. Yeah I know insane. So if this one costs about  80 now, I don't even want to know how much it'll be later.

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