
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Eva Figure

Well now, from Kotaku there seems to be a new Ayanami Rei pvc figure with an estimated price of 94 dollars. Pretty steep, but you have to admit it looks quite interesting. A more mature version of her if you want to say that lol.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Vocaloid figures

Well, I was browsing at Kotaku and noticed they had a thread about a vocaloid figure, Miku. I thought it looks great with the pose and the artistic direction, but people complained about her face. I think it had a weird expressionless gaze or the sort. I dunno I kinda dig it.

More pics on Kotaku. While that looks nice, I think I like the one I preordered more, which is basically another take on this character:

Looks great huh, but it is a pretty steep price for the figure. Although it's okay to splurge once in a while.
In other news, Starcraft 2 for mac. OOOh yeahhh.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


I mentioned earlier that I got the key, well unfortunately it was only good for the pc version. The mac version was grayed out so I'm assuming it's still being in production. I installed it on my old pc and found out I didn't meet the requirements lol. A lack of ram was what they said. I only have one gig and I guess these days even one gig is not enough for an rts. From the graphics and animations I can imagine why the demand for the ram.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Beta Key

Well, I went up and preordered Starcraft 2 for the hell of it. I wanted a beta key to try the game out. My friends have been telling me its pretty darn great and so I went and got it. Only costs 5 bucks to preorder so why not.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

StarCraft II

Well a friend that I know of, told me that if you preorder the game from Gamestop, you'll get a beta key to try the game. I'm still iffy on whether I should pick this up or not. I do have fond memories as this game was played intensely back in my highschool days. But I've been spoiled with Dawn of War and I don't know if I could go back. Maybe with enough friends I might.


Well here we finally have the remake of Evangelion 1.11: You are not alone. When I first saw this, I thought to myself what was Gainax trying to do with an already well established and well known anime, popular in many anime and any other type of communities that exist. Of course this being Evangelion, one of the first anime I ever watched (Bubble Gum Crisis was the other, also great) I knew I was going to get this and watch it no matter what. At first I thought it was something similar to the original Gundam series, i.e. the Gundam RX73, Charr and what not where it was remade into three movies which basically was a compilation of all the episodes (being a usual Gundam series, I can only assume 52 episodes or more). Now with Evangelion 1.11, the same approach was done as these movies are compilations of the series put together into a seamless fashion. I knew this was the plan with the movie, but knowing Gainax, they did more. Not only did they piece together the episodes, brand new scenes and plot was created. I don't want to spoil anything, but I can tell you that it's done very well. It's almost like I'm watching Evangelion as a new anime once again.

Now with that out of the way, let's talk about the quality of the movie. All I can say is that this is a must get. It is the best thing I've ever seen. The colors are so crisp with a much varied palette compared to the original 95 series. The sound is just great and the music. Oh the music is great, especially Utada Hikaru's ending theme, "Beautiful World."

For the next part, we have 2.11 which has been in the movie theaters in Japan but has yet to make it to dvd state side. We already know a new character is introduced and how she plays into the plot is something I'd like to see. Here's to hoping we'll all get 2.11 soon enough. For now, sit back, crank the volume up, and enjoy 1.11.

Figma pose of the day

Random figma pose of the day:

Just the UN figma doing a "What now" pose. I'll explain what a figma is when I have more time.

Left 4 Dead Passing

Well as we all know there's going to be a huge update for Left 4 Dead with some new campaigns and new modes. The selling point, you can join up with the original characters from the first game. Although not everyone will be there. Check out the two posters (from Kotaku):

We can definitely see someone from the original cast is missing but who is it we ask? Who knows but speculation shows that it could be Zoey. Oh well what can we do since it's Valve's ip. Oh well no matter still excited for this to come out. Now if they only release the mac version of steam.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Avatar Blu Ray THIS THURS

Well, as we all know Avatar is coming out this week.

I can hardly wait. Usually new releases come out on Tuesday, but since its "Avatar," it had to come out Thursday. Lol what the hell.

Fresh start

My first blog, new home, and a place to post random stuff.